I am a Fangirl!
1. A female fan, especially one who is obsessive about comics,
film, music, or science fiction.
"Your average fangirl, despite the implication of the name, is a grown-up"
(Google definitions)
I am a fangirl. I squeal every time I see something to do with my fandoms. To name a few Arrow, How To Train your Dragon, One Direction, The Maze Runner, The Flash, DC and Marvel. I know that's a lot but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. To an outside onlooker we may seem crazy with posters and impressive fanfictions and fan-art but we are much more.
The Flash and Arrow
I have recently started watching the Flash and Arrow, I then promptly gave up whatever glimpses of a social life I had to watch 2 seasons of Arrow in 7 days just so I could start season 3 of Arrow and watch season 1 of the Flash consecutively. I had already in last year begun my superhero obsession and this only fed it. Terrified for the season finale. Sadly I have no drawings of the Arrow logo.
Doctor Who
Before you ask I have not watched all the old episodes I want to but can never find them. I haven’t watched all of the 9th Doctor or the 10th but I have watched all of the 11th Matt Smith and the 12th Peter Capaldi(I still misses Matt Smith). My favourite companions are Donna, Amy and Rory & Clara(All versions of her). Can’t physically wait till next season!
I own and have watched all 9 episodes of Sherlock and am not happy about the wait for season 4! I shall say no more and leave you to your powers of deduction.